Rarest Colors Of Maine Coons

Rare Color” is a term to describe a color that is more scarce than other colors. Mainly because you have to specifically bred color carriers together.

Are orange Maine Coon cats rare?

Orange Maine Coons are relative common. They are however very sought after so they do sell quickly which may make it appear they are a “rare color”.

The orange Maine Coon cat, sometimes called ginger, is officially known as red. A solid orange Maine Coon with no other colors present is not as rare as you would think.

Orange smoke (Technically red smoke) is more desirable and less common. Orange fur can also be seen in varying quantities in many Maine Coon coat patterns.

Are White Maine Coon cats rare?

They might be rare or they might be as common as other colors of Maine Coon. There are no published survey results that confirm this either way. If you have your heart set on a white cat, your best chance is to contact lots of reputable breeders and ask to be informed when white kittens are born.

Do Maine Coons change in color?

YES, the coloration of a kitten does subtly change as they grow into their color/pattern.

Michelle Tuck