European vs. American - The Evolution of Maine Coons

The Maine Coon community is buzzing like never before, thanks to the influence of social media. With breeders and enthusiasts connecting worldwide, it's become evident that two unique styles of Maine Coons have developed: the American and the European. The future of the extreme European Type Maine Coons is likely to lead to either a revision of the breed standard or the emergence of a separate breed altogether. However, the most likely outcome is a gradual blending of the different styles, with specific bloodlines showcasing the more "extreme" features of each type.

Diffrent types of Maine Coon Cats, the American and European style.

Breeders are frequently confronted with inquiries regarding the reasons behind the extreme variations in appearance among certain bloodlines. The Maine Coon breed has been shaped globally by various governing registries, where the members, who are breeders, participate in voting on the breed standard. Consequently, numerous registries worldwide maintain distinct but similar breed standards for the Maine Coon.

The breed is commonly categorized into two distinct "types" recognized by the public: American and European. European Maine Coons are characterized by more pronounced facial features in comparison to their American counterparts, exhibiting a more defined muzzle, fuller ear tufts, and an overall "feral" look. Despite these differences, both types typically share the same body structure and possess a long, thick coat. The European style is frequently regarded as having a more impressive and authoritative presence than the American variety, with breeders often emphasizing exaggerated traits.

Registry Timeline

  • 1869 - Maine coons were first presented at a cats show in the United States. The breed was formed in northeastern states of the USA, especially the state of Maine from which it gets it name.

  • 1906 - The Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) was founded which recognized Maine Coons

  • 1950s - Breed was claimed to be going extinct due to lack of entries.

  • 1980s - Maine Coon Cats were first exported to the United Kingdom

  • 1982 - Maine Coon Breed were first recognised by Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFe)

  • 1993 - Maine Coon was first recognized by the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF)

American Type

American Maine Coon breeders typically follow standards set by the organization Cat Fancier Association (CFA), while The International Cat Association (TICA) is the second major largest registry used in America. The CFA “American Standard” (CFA and TICA) specifies no extreme features, the maine coon should be balanced in all traits. "proportioned and balanced with no exaggerations”.

  • Click Here - CFA Maine Coon Standard

Key Points About American Type

  • Size: Same

  • Temperament: Same

  • Eyes: European Maine Coons have oblique-shaped eyes.

  • Muzzle: Less prominent muzzle that does not overwhelm other facial features.

  • Ears: Taller ears with ear tufts that are longer and thicker.

  • Body: Long and typically more substance.

  • Coat: Typically a thick, double-layered coat that is shorter on the shoulders and longer on the stomach and back legs 

European Type

European Maine Coon breeders typically follow standards set by organizations like the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFe). 

Key Points About European Type

  • Size: Same

  • Temperament: Same

  • Eyes: European Maine Coons have almond-shaped eyes.

  • Muzzle: More prominent muzzle, larger whisker pads.

  • Ears: Taller ears with ear tufts that are longer and thicker.

  • Body: long and lean but not as much muscle as the american.

  • Coat: Can exhibit slightly different coat textures depending on the lineage. Some lines have been noted to have too much hair or too little hair (short length).

Marketing the “ Imported European Maine Coons ”

Many breeders source their breeding stock from international breeders rather than domestically within the USA, leading them to label all their kittens as "European Maine Coons." This terminology can be misleading, as the kittens themselves are not directly imported from Europe.

Instead, they are descendants of bloodlines that have been acquired from various international sources, which contributes to their classification as European Type. The distinction lies in the fact that while these kittens may embody the characteristics associated with European Maine Coons, they do not originate from Europe itself. The breeders are emphasizing the lineage and type rather than the geographical origin of the kittens.

This practice highlights the global nature of breeding programs and the influence of international genetics on the development of this beloved breed.

Many inexperienced breeders (newbies) feel forced into obtain breeding cats internationally since American breeders often refuse to sell to those who lack experience.

If you are contemplating entering the breeding world, you should highly consider enrolling in the TICA breeder mentorship program.

The TICA breeder mentorship program connects inexperienced breeders with a knowledgeable mentor to guide you through the process. This will result in you having higher chances to obtain breeding rights from American show breeders.

Health Concerns

Important Considerations

Breeding practices: The emphasis on exaggerated features in some bloodlines can potentially lead to health concerns, so responsible breeders are crucial. 

Avoid Extreme Muzzles

This goes for both American and European bloodlines. Be careful wanting an “extreme looking muzzle”, you need to make sure the bite is correct. A extremely strong muzzle could be an underbite, a side profile photo should be requested to confirm the cat does not have an underbite. This is why breeders post side views of a cat head to show a correct bite.


DNA Health Testing

This goes for both American and European bloodlines. Make sure to check the status of health testing for both parents, not just grandparents. Preferably want the parents to be non-carriers that is negative, N/N. Using a carrier cat is frowned upon in the USA.


Price of a Maine Coon Kitten

We suggest you look for a quality kitten that from health tested stock, from a verifiable breeder who is doing what is necessary to ensure their kittens get the best start in life and the best home type. Neither is more valuable than the other however they do have differences and for some that justifies more value. A healthy kitten with a fantasic personality and supportive breeder is what has the most value!

Please read “ The Real Price Of Cheap Kittens


Maine Coon Toys